This certificate is 18-20 credit hours (particular electives students wish to take will impact the final number of credit hours). Please note that this list of electives is constantly evolving with new courses, partners and foci being added. Core courses and most electives are available online.

  • IST 520 Introduction to Futures Thinking and Foresight Practice (4)

    This course introduces futures thinking and the related social science anchored practice of foresight. It includes a history and evolution of futures practice in the private and public sector in the U.S., as well as internationally. As an emerging social science and growing presence in emerging government and private sector practice, futures thinking and work acknowledges deep acceleration in change, disruption and related volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity and a need for navigation skills to succeed in “post-normal” times. This includes attention to technological change, climate change, geo-political shifts and such topics as the future of work, food, learning and more. With a strong backdrop of psychology, sociology, the arts, technological and other geo-political dimensions in intentionally interdisciplinary ways, futures practice is a collection of applied skills and tools related to developing a specific type of anticipatory thinking, applied ethics in a futures context and related change management/navigation skills. It is also about increasing proficiency in building collective intelligence, imagination, agency and agility in individuals, groups, organizations and civic collectives with regard to self-determination and democratically anchored futures planning. Finally, it is about new ways of understanding knowledge, power and aspirations for the evolution of people and the world. Issues of equity and strategies to democratize co-creation of shared futures, acknowledge/address bias and patterns of inequity will be prioritized.

    This course will include a broad overview of theories, methods, skills, research and applications of these methods locally, nationally and globally.

    IST 521 Applied Futures Thinking and Foresight Practice (4)

    This course is an advanced class to deepen student understanding and knowledge of futures thinking and the related skills of applied foresight to real world interdisciplinary challenges. It includes an overview of settings and methods where foresight is currently being practiced in both the public and private sectors, and profiles of futurists who lead these processes. With a special focus on leading efforts to build foresightfulness within communities and/or organizations through trend mapping, power analysis, goal setting in a “VUCA” practice environment (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity), students will learn the fundamentals of engaging individuals, groups and organizations in a positive experience of navigating futures conceptualization and planning. Issues of equity and strategies to democratize co-creation of shared futures, acknowledge/address bias and patterns of inequity will be prioritized. The course includes introduction, practice and practical application of a variety of futures/foresight tools with a goal of completing a beginning foresight activity with a community organization/business of the student’s choosing.

  • PA 513 Administrative Ethics and Values (3)

    PA 514 Global Leadership and Management (3)

    PA 516 Current Issues in Public Management (3)

    PA 543 Creating Collaborative Communities (3)

    PA 575 Foundations of Collaborative Governance (3)

    PA 576 The Practice of Collaborative Governance in Public Policy (3)

    US 560 Climate Resiliency and Planning (3)

    SW 510 Futures Thinking and Foresight Practice for Equity, Well-Being and Community Flourishing (3)

    Econ 543 Global Environmental Economics (4)

    MGMT 521 Design Thinking for Social Innovation (4)

    MGMT 522 Money Matters for Social Innovation (4)

    MGMT 523 Storytelling and Impact Measurement for Social Innovation (4)

    MGMT 518 Digital Transformation of Business (4)

    SYSC 513 Holistic Strategies for Problem Solving (4)

    BTA 586s Emerging Topics (Covers Blockchain, AI/ML, Cyber and 3-D Printing and More)

  • IST 522 Integrative Futures Practice (2)

    This course is an advanced class to integrate the selected courses student has chosen to complete his/her/their Foresight Practice Certificate. After taking the two required courses and the additional elective courses related to student area of interest, this class provides students the opportunity to integrate his/her/their learning regarding futures knowledge and foresight practice. Issues of equity and strategies to democratize co-creation of shared futures, acknowledge/address bias and patterns of inequity will be prioritized. The culmination of the certificate learning experience is an integrative student portfolio which documents specialized futures/foresight activities, summarizes integrative learning, outlines ongoing learning and networking plan, and establishes goals for ongoing evolution in the foresight space.